Another 'Bathroom Bill,' Another Fight for Decency

BathroomsMentallyImpairedHouston voters who put a lesbian into the mayor’s office for three terms soundly rejected a so-called non-discrimination ordinance that would give homosexuals and “transgenders” special rights.

The Houston City Council passed the measure 11 to 6, but a court ordered the city to either repeal the ordinance or allow the people to vote on it. The city opted for the latter.

Now a conservative group in Dallas wants voters to decide whether to keep a similar ordinance. WORLD reports that the Dallas City Council recently changed the city’s non-discrimination policy to include men who pretend to be women. An excerpt:

“This is worse than the Houston ordinance,” Jonathan Saenz, an attorney and president of conservative advocacy group Texas Values, said. “The language in the Dallas ordinance says that the decision to go into the bathroom is solely based on a person’s perception at any given moment of being male or female. A man doesn’t even have to dress up as a woman, and this law protects their right to [use a woman’s restroom] anyway. It puts private business owners in a position of being punished and prosecuted for trying to maintain a sense of privacy and safety.”

“This ordinance isn’t about discrimination, it’s about political correctness—and Dallas city leaders have put political correctness ahead of both common sense and common decency,” Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said in a statement. “The facts are clear. No woman wants a man to be allowed in a ladies restroom or locker room, no matter the reason.”

Transgenderism is a disorder, but now we’re declaring it a protected government class. Where, when, and how did it come to this? Biologically aware common sense, modesty, privacy, and safety are necessary for a civilized society to remain civilized.

Will Dallas voters be allowed to weigh in?

While Saenz would like to see the issue put to a public vote, Kingston said the public has effectively weighed in already: “Every 10 years we review our city charter, which is the constitutional document of the city. With regard to city employees, we put a proposition before the public last November to say, ‘It is the public policy of the city of Dallas that we fully protect gender identity.’ The public approved that measure 77 percent.”…Still, a public vote would allow Dallas voters to have a definitive say in the matter, Saenz insisted.

Let’s hope Christians and others who oppose special rights for a tiny minority of the population, especially based on sexual behavior, get the opportunity to reject the new ordinance language.

Photo credit: Wayan Vota (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

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