Biden Reverses Trump’s Ban on Tissue Research on Aborted Babies

The Trump administration ended an FDA contract in 2019 with the University of California at San Francisco and discontinued federal funding to the National Institutes of Health for fetal-tissue research. Some outside contracts continued, but the government said it would review future research projects.

The administration created an ethics advisory board that reviewed proposals for fetal tissue research and rejected federal funding for 13 out of 14 proposals.

The renewed call to defund Planned Parenthood began the summer of 2015, when pro-lifers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, colleagues at the Center for Medical Progress, began releasing a series of secretly recorded videos that revealed Planned Parenthood and tissue research company employees discussing the sale of aborted-baby body parts. At the time of Trump’s action, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser called the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s announcement a major pro-life victory.

“NIH has spent $120 million a year on grisly, unethical experiments involving the hearts, livers, bones, and brains harvested from babies too young and vulnerable to speak for themselves. President Trump knows we can do better as a nation and we are encouraged to see NIH Director Francis Collins carry out the President’s pro-life commitment.”

But President Joe Biden has reversed this executive action. From the Christian Post:

The Trump administration’s policy required all applicants for NIH grants involving fetal tissue from elective abortions to be reviewed by an ethics board, but a notice released by the NIH Friday states that “HHS/NIH will not convene another NIH Human Fetal Tissue Research Ethics Advisory Board.”

It says, “HHS is reversing its 2019 decision that all research applications for NIH grants and contracts proposing the use of human fetal tissue from elective abortions will be reviewed by an Ethics Advisory Board.”

In a press release, Dannenfelser said that “Biden and Harris, working hand-in-glove with radical appointees like Xavier Becerra, are moving rapidly to pay back their abortion industry allies and wipe out pro-life progress made under the Trump-Pence administration. From day one they have sought to expand abortion on demand, funded by taxpayers, against the will of the strong majority of Americans. Now they would force Americans to be complicit in barbaric experiments using body parts harvested from innocent children killed in abortions, with no limits of any kind. Pro-abortion Democrats push this deeply unpopular agenda at their own political peril.”

Supporters of President Donald Trump tried to warn anti-Trump conservatives about everything Biden is doing. The “never Trumpers” might have hated the former president’s personality or aspects of his past, but his policies were pro-life and pro-freedom. These voters have not only hurt themselves but every freedom-loving pro-life American.

Photo credit: Life News Twitter

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