Ryan Bomberger: Biden, Transgenderism, and Making Christianity More Invisible

American Presidents have to make countless difficult decisions. Some things are simply far more important than others. For a President who “identifies” as Catholic, choosing to celebrate Easter (the holiest Christian holiday) over LGBTQ propaganda shouldn’t have been one of them.

Biden's lengthy statement praising Muslims and RamadanBiden, chose instead, to highlight on Good Friday – the day Christ sacrificed Himself in a brutal crucifixion to set us free from sin – a “Transgender Day of Visibility” Proclamation. One might expect this from an atheist President but certainly not one who claims to be a practicing Catholic. Biden proclaimed, in part, on the White House website: “On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.”

So, now, a man appropriating womanhood is “courageous?” A man trading his masculinity in for faux femininity is brave? Men displacing and replacing women in sports is something extraordinary? Drag Queen story hours, where some with criminal records imitate striptease acts, are “contributions” to our society? Are we “more perfect,” or are we more perverted as “trans” adults simulate sex acts in front of young children at “family-friendly” drag shows (herehere and here)? The most pro-abortion American President, whose Party still cannot get created equal right as they champion the destruction of the most marginalized, tries to wax eloquent about equality. And he fails.

In fact, it’s the equality part that I want to explore a little further.

Biden released a 635-word Proclamation that worshipped transgenderism declaring: “Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation…You are loved.  You are heard.  You are understood.  You belong.  You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your Biden's short and not-so-sweet Easter Statementback.” No such statement was made about Christians during the Easter holiday. In fact, Biden issued a measly 94-word blurb about Easter. Despite nearly 5,000 Christians killed for their faith every year around the world, nothing was mentioned about their courage, their contributions, their ministries and charities alleviating suffering, or their deaths at the hands of real persecution. It’s almost like he’s trying to make Christianity more…invisible.

Hey Joe, where’s the equality man?

Earlier this month, President Biden managed to issue a 492-word Statement celebrating the Islamic “holy month” of Ramadan. That’s over 5 times more words than his Statement for Easter. And again, he expressed how much Muslims mean to America: “To Muslims across our country, please know that you are deeply valued members of our American family.” He said no such thing of Christians. Guess we didn’t make the Diversity Inclusion & Equity (D.I.E.) cut.

Well, to offer a little balance in my criticism, former President Obama did offer an even shorter message on Easter that was merely 75 words. George W. Bush offered 206 powerful words; Trump offered three hundred fifteen. But you know what wasn’t a short obligatory statement from either Obama or Biden? Their lengthy tributes given in early March (594 words and 948 words, respectively) to American labor leader, Cesar Chavez, nearly deify the American labor leader without mentioning his psychological deterioration into paranoia, frenzied purging of anyone who contested him, and his retreat to a cult rehabilitation center (Synanon). Chavez was no Jesus, but he apparently deserved far more praise and adoration than the Savior for Democratic Presidents.

Biden's lengthy statement praising Muslims and RamadanBiden’s administration is unquestionably hostile to the faith that he claims to hold. We’ve seen it in his policies and his propaganda since his first day in office. The “Transgender Day of Visibility”, regardless of it falling on the same day as Easter, doesn’t deserve to be legitimized let alone worshipped on such a sacred day for the nearly 2.5 billion Christians around the world. There’s too much disinformation in Biden’s proclamation to dismantle but one assertion stood out more than others. He claimed that “transgenders deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.” I’m all about freedom of expression. That doesn’t translate, however, into their movement’s freedom of oppression. This is exactly what the cult of transgenderism has led to as the Democratic Party passes local ordinances and laws controlling speech, erasing women’s sports, fining and firing “offenders,” and shutting down people’s businesses for not bending the knee.

Is our “most fundamental freedom” actually to be our true selves? Is this absolute? Does that apply to pedophiles? Does that apply to racists? Does that apply to misogynists and rapists like Harvey Weinstein? The irony is that transgenderism isn’t about being one’s “true self” but one’s altered self — materially, chemically and surgically. Biden posted on X: “You are made in the image of God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.” Made in the image of God but, sure,  go through bodily mutilation to reform yourself into your own image.

Every human has equal worth and value. Every human action does not. We’re a nation where mainstream media and politicians are demanding more mental health awareness. The issue isn’t that we’re not aware of mental illness. The issue is that it is glorified on TV, in films, in schools, and in Presidential Proclamations.

My heart was saddened by Biden’s continued departure from his faith and from common sense. Yes. Easter is actually a TRANS day, if you will…one in which we were forever TRANSformed by a loving Savior who TRANSitioned from death to life in order to TRANSfer the brokenness of our sins onto Himself and TRANSmit to us the gift of salvation and eternal life. He sees us, saves us from our TRANSgressions and shows us in His Word how to sin no more.

And that’s coming from a sinner (as we all are) in need of God’s transcendent grace.

Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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One comment

  1. Beautiful, as usual, Ryan! DEI is such a crock, and Biden has fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.
    “Diversity” never embraces diversity of opinions or beliefs.
    “Equity,” supposedly about “equality,” really means taking from the allegedly “privileged” to give to the allegedly “oppressed.” And the elites get to decide which is which and impose it on the rest of us.
    And “inclusion” somehow never seems to include Christians!