Biden vs. Hyde: Fighting Against Radical Policies — Watch Cure America with Star Parker

The Biden Administration thinks being a poor black woman, or a poor Hispanic or white woman, means not only having a right to destroy your unborn child but also having a right to use other people’s money to pay for it, even though almost half of American taxpayers think abortion is morally wrong.

That’s what we’re talking about in this week’s episode of Cure America with Star Parker.

We’ve got to wonder what is so sick in our culture that 44 percent of Americans think it’s okay to kill what God calls his reward, and why so few are concerned about having a new potential Office of Management and Budget director who thinks every American should participate in this crime against humanity through our taxes.

We talk about the other controversial nominees and the policies that they are pursuing that are contrary to our beliefs, including their desire to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, which protects Americans from paying for someone’s abortion!

Is there anything that can be done to stop the Biden administration from ramming through radical progressives to head major agencies and departments here in the federal government?

Please watch this important episode to hear our answer. And please share it with your church members and all your friends on social media.

Guests include Jonathan Alexandre with Liberty Counsel Action, Claire Chretian, editor for LifeSiteNews, Chuck Donovan, President of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, and Connor Semelsberger with Family Research Council.

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One comment

  1. Gm 🌞 n I’m a bit behind on viewing but so appreciative of you n your Godly stances Mrs Parker. God’s Grace2u! Coach Tim Terry