Biden’s Abortion Agenda — He Will Roll Back ‘Mexico City Policy’ and More

President Donald Trump in 2017 issued an executive order that banned federal funding for non-government international organizations that kill unborn babies or promote their deaths as a family planning method. The previous president allowed this policy, known as the Mexico City Policy, to lapse. President Trump revived it.

The Trump Administration has redirected tax dollars to go toward protecting the voiceless and vulnerable.

President Trump recently issued an executive order to protect babies born after botched abortions. Medical professionals must provide care for these babies.

The problem with executive action, however, is the next president can rescind it.

If Joe Biden becomes president, he will roll back the Mexico City Policy. According to an “Early Executive Actions” document, he will also restore funding to Planned Parenthood and contraceptive coverage under Obamacare, the previous president’s bloated “affordable” health care law.

Conservatives were rightly concerned that the law would violate the rights of pro-lifers and Christians. Conservatives also suspected the law would never be repealed or overturned. (The 6-3 conservative U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case about the legality of Obamacare and appear unlikely to strike it down.)

The new White House will not be pro-life or pro-Christian. Elections have consequences.

What else is on the chopping block should Biden become president? Under President Trump, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created a new division called Conscience and Religious Freedom. Medical professionals who don’t want to kill unborn babies or be involved with “gender reassignment” surgery for religious or moral reasons have stronger protections from government penalties.

A Biden HHS likely would shut down the division or wouldn’t enforce the rules.

Such changes are only the beginning of what will happen under a Biden presidency. President Trump has championed the causes of protecting unborn life and religious freedom, and Biden will undo all protections.

Finally, don’t be surprised if the excuse of coronavirus is invoked to obstruct for the first time in 50 years the annual March for Life, now scheduled to occur only days after the inauguration!

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One comment

  1. “If Biden becomes president!” That does seem to be the overriding issue of the day, no? Before vote tallying is done, much less any states having confirmed that tally, many, if not most, are declaring “Shotgun” Joe Biden the ‘president elect!’

    I have yet to see anyone question how these numbers are possible:

    ‘Upon further review, there are ONLY 203M-210 MILLION ‘registered’ voters in the US. With ‘potentially 150 million votes cast, that says, only 60 million ‘legal’ voters in the entire country in ANY condition (comatose hospitalized, incarcerated felons, the institutionalized criminally insane, illegal aliens with driver’s licenses, etc., ad infinitum) FAILED to cast a vote! I can’t find one person in my state that voted for Biden or his ‘Socialist’ running mate, yet, the state is slated to go to Biden? C’mon man, there is NO voter fraud out there, c’mon man! ‘Demented’😈 Joe’ C’mon man, America has over 200 million + DEAD from this virus, where were they on those “LEGAL” voter rolls? C’mon man!!