CURE Supports H.R. 2, “Secure the Border Act of 2023”

Dear Representative:

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) supports H.R. 2, “Secure the Border Act of 2023” because it reduces the magnet for illegal immigration, seeks to stop the exploitation of children, keeps children united with their parents, helps protect the wages and jobs of low income workers, and will prevent service organizations — especially in low income communities — from being inundated with demands for services to the detriment of their local residents.

On April 17, 2023, a New York Times report (“As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S Ignored Warnings”) said, “The White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.”

The sponsor of H.R. 2, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), has described the inhumanity of the Biden Administration’s immigration policy. “President Biden promised a more ‘humane and fair’ immigration policy, but there is nothing humane about the nearly 900 individuals who died last year making their way into the United States. There is nothing humane about the 300 Americans who die daily from fentanyl poisoning that is brought in through our southern border. There is nothing humane about the women and children abused, raped and killed by cartels. There is nothing humane about unaccompanied minors being exploited and ending up in some of the most punishing jobs in the country,” Rep. Diaz Balart said in a May 2, 2023 press release announcing the introduction of H.R. 2.

H.R. 2 ends the Biden Administration’s “catch and release” policy and gives the federal government additional tools to secure the border. The bill appropriately prevents categorical parole and addresses abuse of asylum proceedings.

In order to reduce the jobs magnet for illegal immigration, H.R. 2 mandates the use of E-Verify, thereby giving employers an electronic tool to verify the employment eligibility of their new hires. This will help protect jobs and wages for Americans and other legal workers, which is especially important for low-income workers.

The enactment of H.R. 2 will enable our government to take back control of the border and establish humane and fair policies in accordance with the rule of law. We believe this timely legislation is worthy of your support.


Star Parker, President

Marty Dannenfelser
VP, Government Relations & Coalitions

Photo credit: By Jonathan McIntoshOwn work, CC BY 2.5, Wikimedia Commons

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