Why Democrats Despise Diversity

Annise Parker, Houston mayor
Annise Parker, Houston mayor
BCN editor’s note: please contact the author for reprint permission.

Truth be known, many on the left despise diversity. They can’t tolerate the thought of being different, despite their clamoring otherwise. Leftism is a culture that lends itself to group think. Individuality is rarely tolerated. I contend that many extreme leftists promote regulation over religion because rules allow them to feel moral in our society rather than rejected by it. Annise Parker, the openly lesbian Mayor of Houston, Texas, issued subpoenas for the sermons of five local pastors after voters rejected a “bathroom bill” that would allow mentally troubled transsexuals to pee next to your little Sally or Tommy. This the latest example of a near-perfect case in point.

I had more respect for the LGBTQ community when their mantra was “celebrate diversity.” It seemed as if their goal was to be a part of the American culture as a whole – inclusive, in other words. However, many of today’s radical homosexuals and leftist alike have moved toward an exclusionary existence where unity is no longer the goal. They’re quick to excoriate anyone who disagrees with their worldview, because their mantra of “celebrate diversity” was never true to begin with. What they’ve wanted is to be indistinguishable, and in some cases superior, but not diverse. Why? Because at some point in their personal existence they decided they’ve been rejected long enough. This is why the “gay marriage” agenda has been an ideal movement for the DNC to hi-jack; Democrats realize it’s easier to corral angry herds as opposed to rugged individuals.

People who have perceived feelings of rejection like ethnic minorities and gays often experience emotions of forlornness. Therefore, when they enter the political realm it’s not uncommon for them to advocate for extra rights in addition to the equal rights we all enjoy under our Constitution – entitlements, in other words. Unfortunately, the DNC has capitalized on those emotions and taken up arms on their behalf, figuratively speaking, of course.

It’s obvious to me that the radical Mayor Annise Parker isn’t at peace with who she is. She’s tormented. Were this not the case, she’d welcome freedom of religion instead of censorship. Religion serves as a mirror to our souls and a check on our behavior. In light of this, it’s no wonder the mayor wants to break that mirror.

Remember the saying “dare to be different?” Conservatives interpret that as a clarion call to buck peer pressure and succeed in a free society. However, for leftists like Mayor Annise Parker, who long for normalcy and a sense of morality, those words war against their soul. Their own conscience judges them. In a sense, excessive regulation by the left is an attempt to out-moralize the religious community. Leftists subject their constituents to more and more regulation because they find solace and morality in being able to follow “rules” better than Christians. Of course, their “rules” are often unconstitutionally imposed rather than adopted. In fact, one could say that regulation satisfies the Democrats’ religious fix.

Spiritually speaking, the remedy to persuading many on the Left in the arenas of life and politics is lots of love and prayer. Practically speaking, in order for the United States to survive as the greatest nation ever known to man, we must crush them at the ballot box every time we get a chance.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons/Zblume

Carl JacksonCarl Jackson is a radio talk show host – his web site is www.carljacksonshow.com

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One comment

  1. Carl Jackson, I agree with your article on a number of levels. The radical left supports a world view of cosmopolitianism that has been evolving since the ancient Greeks…Kill individualism in order to establish a World Order without boarder nations…that is why when once they feel they have assisted a particular suppressed group *enlightened* and *freed* (as they see it) according to their lights, then the group must not be permitted to stray from that world view, and that world view never intended to allow Black Americans to keep their Christianity…Christianity is the religion of of the great suppressors of the *colored peoples of the earth* (The evil western white man’s *blue-eyed devil*religion) as Bill Ayers likes to cop a line from Fanon (The Wretched of the Earth). Traditional American values are hated, America is hated, Western influence on civilization is hated, Western Civilization is not civilization at all, Christianity is hated which is why these people (they are well known ) do not permit Radical Islamic’s to be called terrorists…America and Christianity (especially black Christians which is why the blacks in prisons have been targeted for indoctrination since before WWII) *are*, in their minds and hearts, the only real terrorists on earth. My research indicates things are going to become much more difficult…these machete and hatchet killings are nothing new in modern America either and they signify a certain ideology and psychology which has always been covered up by media *for our own good* no less…it is a trick and we have been *had* by these so-called Intellectuals of Terrorism.