Amir Tsarfati: ‘Discovering Daniel’ and More About Palestine

Shalom! After an extended period of being rooted to terra firma, I am back in the air. Soon, I will be in London. “Amir, my friend, you said 2024 is for staying in Israel! No travel!” That is true – or, at least, true-ish. What I said was that I will not be traveling to speak in 2024. And, while I will be speaking while in London, I will not be “speaking” speaking. Confused enough?

I am actually on my way to London to record the audiobook for Discovering Daniel. I am so excited about this book! Who knew that the life of an Old Testament prophet could be so relevant and applicable to our time today? Discovering Daniel breathes new life into the old Sunday School stories and explains in an easy and understandable way the visions and dreams this man of God receives. We’re just a little more than two months away from the book’s release, so preorder your copy of Discovering Daniel today!

While you have your computer booted up or your phone in your hand to read this newsletter, let me encourage you also to check out the three short videos I’ve released talking about Palestine. In just two-to-three minutes each, “Make Gaza Great Again?”“Should Palestine Be Free From the River to the Sea?”, and “Who are the Palestinians?” confront the party line narrative with historical and political truth. Watch them and share them with your friends and family before YouTube takes these important videos down.

Genesis 26:2-5
Then the LORD appeared to [Isaac] and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”

The Middle East

My Telegram Channel is a constant flow of news throughout the day. Subscribe to my channel to catch all the headlines as they happen.

Let me reset the table before we begin this section. There are still 134 abductees in Gaza, which include four who have been there since 2014. For those of you doing the math, that’s a full decade in captivity. With the announcement of the death of 19-year-old Sgt. Oz Daniel, the number of confirmed dead among the hostages has risen to 33. Hamas needs to understand that there will be no peace until our hostages have been returned home.

As part of the preparation for the invasion of Rafah in southernmost Gaza, Head of Shin Bet Ronen Bar and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi visited Cairo. The Egyptian government has been concerned that military action in Rafah will push Palestinians into their country. In other words, the Egyptian Arabs want to make sure that none of the Palestinian Arabs cross the border. Why? Because they know the Palestinians and recognize that they bring trouble with them wherever they go. Former Jordanian King Hussein understood that truth and used his military to drive out all the militant Palestinian factions from his country. Bar and Halevi reassured the Cairo government that they needn’t be concerned.

Israeli citizens were once again reminded how dangerous tunnel warfare is when they were informed of the deaths of 25-year-old Maj. Iftah Shahar and 24-year-old Cpt. Itai Seif. A booby-trapped tunnel shaft exploded in Gaza killing the two officers and wounding ten more soldiers. As I’ve said before, never before in the history of warfare has a military been forced to conduct simultaneous above and below ground operations in the manner necessary in Gaza.

It seems that everyone in the world is desperate for a ceasefire, except Hamas and Israel. Excitement for a ceasefire began to stir again this past week, leading U.S. President Joe Biden to postulate that a deal could be signed as soon as Monday. But two days ago, Hamas said, “Yeah…no!” The two most disappointed by this are Biden, who needs peace in the Middle East before the upcoming elections, and the Gazan people, who are seeing prices for necessities skyrocket as Hamas steals goods and relief supplies for themselves.

Northern Front
The back and forth between Hezbollah and Israel in the north continues. A heavy barrage yesterday consisting of 40 rockets was launched toward northeastern Galilee and Kiryat Shmona. Most were intercepted or fell in unpopulated areas. However, one rocket landed on the roof of a three-story building but caused no casualties.

Two days prior, on Monday, IDF aircraft targeted a car driven by Hassan Hossein Salami, killing the man. The senior Hezbollah commander, who was in charge of the Hajir Sector, oversaw a number of terrorist plots carried out against IDF forces and Israeli civilians.

A building near Damascus used as headquarters for pro-Iranian militias was destroyed in an Israeli strike last night. Very powerful bombs dropped by IAF planes decimated the structure in the Saida Zeinab area, while a Syrian army facility in the south Damascus village of Hajira was also blown apart. Reports of casualties began to filter out as the fires burned late into the night.

Last Tuesday, the Rubymar, a Belize-flagged cargo ship carrying fertilizer from the UAE to Belarus, was hit by a Houthi anti-ship missile while in the Red Sea. The resulting 18-mile oil slick became a natural disaster. The ship is now sinking. Before a senate subcommittee, US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking testified that Iran was “equipping and facilitating” the Houthis in their attacks. The chairman of the committee reportedly replied, “No kidding, Tim. That Tsarfati guy has been saying that in his newsletter for months.” Well, maybe he didn’t. But he could have. The Houthis are just another of Iran’s proxy militias, just a little better funded and a lot more crazy. On Saturday, the U.S. and U.K. launched dozens of strikes against the terrorist group, targeting infrastructure and weapons.

The Houthis are targeting more than just ships. In the past months, four underwater communications cables are alleged to have been knocked out of working order. The cables, which run between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti, are a key link between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Repairs could take up to eight weeks.

Great news! Iran’s stockpile of military-grade, 60%-enriched uranium is decreasing! Wait, the report came from the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA]? Never mind. But I did read somewhere that no progress has been made lately on Iran’s nuclear project! So, at least that’s something! What? That came from the same report from the same autonomous division of the United Nations? Uh…okay, let’s just move on to the next story.

Abraham Accords
If you remember, recently I told you that the ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia are growing stronger. But for the relationship to progress, it has to be done quietly. On Monday at the World Trade Organization’s ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi, Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat approached Saudi Arabia’s Commerce Minister Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi. The two shook hands and Barkat told his counterpart, “Israel is interested in peace with countries that seek peace, and we can make history together.” It was a cordial meeting. Unfortunately, it was recorded, and the video quickly went viral. Before you knew it, the Saudi government issued a statement saying that Qasabi was busy, talking to the Nigerian minister when “an unknown individual approached the minister to offer greetings.” Only later did he identify himself as a member of the “Israeli occupation government.” In the Middle East, appearance is everything.


For those of you in Arizona and surrounding areas, we’d like to invite you to join Pastor Mike Golay, Pastor Barry Stagner, Pastor David Guzik, and Gary Kah for the Prophecy 24 Conference! In this one-day gathering on Saturday, April 13, Pastor Mike and the others will open up the Scriptures to address the days we’re living in and the hope that lies ahead. For more information and to register, follow this link! 

Throughout history, empires have come and gone. What at one time seemed all-powerful eventually collapsed on itself. With each cycle of super-powers, it was possible to see the deterioration that eventually led to its demise. In my teaching, “The Decline of an Empire”, premiering Friday, March 1 at 12:00 PM PST, we will walk through what these indicators are, and compare them to what we are seeing today in America. Because the key to all Bible prophecy is the Jew, I’ll take time to explain how the health of an empire depends on its treatment of Israel. Finally, I’ll remind you how we as Christians have a higher allegiance than that given to our country and a much greater citizenship than what might be on the cover of our passports.

After the amazing success of our Alaska Cruise conference in 2023, we are preparing to take our teaching back on the water! For these opportunities, we will be presenting our Discovering Daniel & Revealing Conference in two very different venues. The first will be a cruise through the Mediterranean, which will take place from October 19-29, 2024. Our second opportunity to present these teachings will be on the waters of the Caribbean on January 18-25, 2025. Registration for both cruises is currently open! Make sure to register soon, as we anticipate these events to fill up quickly.

God is so good! CONNECT continues to come together and we are finally bringing on some necessary new staff in Israel. Thank you once again for your prayers and your support for CONNECT and this ministry. May God continue to bless you as you seek Him!

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsafati

AmirTsarfatiAmir, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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