Elijah Cummings Said President Donald Trump is ‘Probably a Nice Guy’

During his speech at the National Press Club on Wednesday, Rep. Elijah Cummings hit all the liberal talking points, including investigating the president and reports of voter suppression, and advocating gun control. He even shared an anecdote about his 10-year-old niece. She asked him if “they” are going to put us in cages — a provocative and inaccurate criticism of the government enforcing immigration laws.

Nice. Democrats scare kids.

During an after-speech “fireside chat” discussion, Cummings told Jeff Ballou, a news editor for the Al Jazeera Network, he’s just trying to do his job, a job “the people” pay him to do. He recounted an interview with the New York Times, where the reporter told him “they” say you’re the president’s worst nightmare. Cummings said it hurt his feelings, because he’s doing his job. He said the president is “probably a nice guy, but I love my democracy, I love my country, and I love my countryman more.” The implication is that President Trump opposes these things.

Rep. Cummings said Congress should cancel recess and address gun control. Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, attended the event and had something to say about that.

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