House Passes Gun Control Bills — But 60 Senators Will Need to Vote for Them

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a packet of gun-grab bills on Wednesday night that would, among other things, raise the minimum age to buy certain firearms from 18 to 21.

The House on Thursday also passed a “red flag” bill that would allow judges to circumvent the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and seize guns from individuals considered an “imminent danger” to themselves or others, a subjective assessment rife with abuse. House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said the measures are necessary to “protect our kids and make communities safer. ”

Fox News reported that five Republicans voted for the bills. An excerpt:

The five Republicans who voted for the bill are Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, and Rep. Chris Jacobs of New York.

Republicans have pushed back on Democratic calls for sweeping gun control measures, such as mass confiscations and strict regulations. Democrats are unlikely to move forward with such bills due to the deadlocked Senate.

Democrats are quick to push gun-grab legislation after mass shootings. These are unfortunate tragedies, but why create new laws when we have laws already on the books that need to be enforced? What good are new laws if these measures won’t stop people intent on destroying but restrict law-abiding citizens?

Lawmakers should focus on enforcing existing laws and securing schools instead of infringing on the rights of gun owners. Mass shootings might be prevented if schools are locked, have only one point of entry, and teachers are armed and trained to stop a shooter.

Leftist lawmakers intent on passing this packet of gun-control bills have a high hurdle in the Senate. Sixty senators must vote yes on these measures before they become law. Let’s hope the GOP doesn’t sell out law-abiding gun owners.

Photo credit: SC Gov Press

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One comment

  1. “….Sixty senators must vote yes….” AND why the Republican Party NEEDS to achieve (unlikely) 60 seats in that vaunted (not) Senate of the United States. It will be the ONLY way to repair anything this Biden catastrophe of an Administration has done, and begin the healing process, by having a VETO PROOF majority! Otherwise, the carnage will simply continue for the time Joltin’ Joe has left either in Office or on the planet while in office!