How About This Diversity, Dems?


South Carolina. The heart of the old Confederacy.

I was born and raised in South Carolina after they took down the “White Only” signs. Growing up in the first state to secede from the Union, I’ve never been called the n-word, though plenty of black South Carolinians endured the worst of the government’s determination to keep them in their second class-citizen place. But I’m told integration in my hometown was rather uneventful. Despite the picture the mainstream media try to sell, the South is a good place to live.

Last night, South Carolina voters sent Sen. Tim Scott back to the U.S. Senate, the first black man from the South elected to the Senate since Reconstruction. You couldn’t make up a better story than that. Governor Nikki Haley, a woman of Indian descent, appointed Tim Scott to the Senate after Sen. Jim DeMint vacated the seat. Appointment has its merits, but Sen. Scott earned his place in the legislative body last night.

Democrats love pushing skin color “diversity.” They worship at its altar. A diversity of viewpoint from people of various races? For Democrats, the answer is, “No, thanks.” But last night, it was Republican diversity on display.

Last night was a night of firsts for Republicans. Thirty-year-old Elise Stefanik of New York became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Love became the first black female Republican elected to Congress. Perhaps Sen. Scott’s “first” is the most impressive. Iowa and West Virginia elected their first female U.S. senators. Republicans now sit in every congressional seat in Arkansas for the first time in 141 years.

Love, who lost her congressional campaign in 2012, released this statement after her victory last night:

Thank you for the trust you have placed in me. I will work every day to be deserving of it. Regardless of who you voted for today, I hope you know that I am going to Washington to represent everyone in the district and invite you to engage with me in finding real solutions to the challenges we face as a country…Many people have reminded me that tonight is not the end of the race; it is just the end of the beginning. As your representative, I am not going to ask you to trust Washington—I am going to convince Washington to trust you. As Utahns, we know best how to spend our hard earned money, raise our families, educate our children, keep the promises made to our seniors, and help those in need. I pledge to work every day to keep the federal government out of your lives, out of your pockets, and out of your way so you can run toward your own American Dream.

Last night’s elections indeed were historic. The big question is, why were these conservative black, Indian, and female politicians elected so decisively? One obvious answer is voters looked beyond skin color and ethnic background and sex to policies they want to see implemented. That’s how you reach people, not pandering to their race or trumping up a phony “war on women.”

America is still the land of the free and home of the brave. Elected officials need to focus on keeping it that way. Reduce government regulation, taxation, and spending. Allow Americans to keep more of the money they earn. Protect us from tyranny. Guard our freedom of speech, religion, and association. Put the government out of the racial bean-counting business and, generally, leave us alone.

Congratulations to all the winners.

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