Jodi Jacobson: No Difference Between Islamic Terrorists and Christian Pro-Lifers – UPDATED

The whole thing began when pro-abortion feminist Jodi Jacobson tweeted this:

While this is a true statement — no person or group is above criticism — Jacobson takes it too far:

Jacobson just tweeted on her public Twitter profile that so-called “denial of healthcare,” i.e., protecting unborn babies from the slaughter known as abortion, is no different from the Islamic ideology of murdering unbelievers. The feminist then claimed that pro-lifers misunderstood what she meant and dismissed “trolls” who interpreted her words exactly as she’d written them:

Jill Stanek, pro-lifer and former labor and delivery nurse, has a suggestion for Jacobson:

Jacobson knows Christians won’t kill her for being an unbeliever or for criticizing the faith. What accounts for this sort of twisted thinking? Is it living in the comfortable and relatively safe West that gives these people the sense of security to make such obviously ridiculous comparisons?

Update: I guess Jodi Jacobson didn’t appreciate this post. She blocked us on Twitter!


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  1. I believe Jodi Jacobson just wished all pro-lifers a warm and hearty “Allahu Abortion!”

  2. Can we come together and simply overwhelm this b-atches twitter account? Could be fun yes?

  3. Jodi who?

  4. Than I guess there’s no difference between Pro Abortionist and Hitler….. They both stand for the same thing…MURDER!