Kentucky Governor Just Stood Up to Another Abortion Clinic

Gov. Matt Bevin of Kentucky continues to reveal his pro-life bona fides. Last month he signed a bill into law that strengthened the state’s informed-consent abortion law. He also shut down and sued an abortion clinic that operated in his state without a license. Now Gov. Bevin has sued a second clinic.

From Life Site News:

Gov. Matt Bevin has filed a lawsuit against another Kentucky abortion facility, with state documents saying the premises were “filthy,” used prescriptions that were nearly two decades past their due date, performed abortions without any state license, and had no ambulance agreement to transport women injured during botched abortion procedures.

On February 17, members of the state’s Office of the Inspector General visited EMW Women’s Clinic in Lexington after receiving a tip about the facility.

The facility, which serves no medical purpose aside from abortion, does not have proper licenses to perform abortions, state inspectors said.

While it has a transfer agreement with a hospital, it does not have a similar understanding with an ambulance service as required by law. “Its only plan is to call 911 in the event of an emergency,” the governor’s 10-page lawsuit says. “This does not comply with Kentucky law and jeopardizes the safety and lives.”

Pro-life lawmakers are doing what they can to protect the unborn and the women who end up at these clinics. A state senator in Oklahoma introduced a bill that would define abortion as first-degree murder.

But even as lawmakers try to pass laws, the courts strike them down. Like Texas, Louisiana tried to raise the standard of care at abortion mills by requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges to nearby hospitals. The U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily blocked this law.

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