WATCH: Michael Bloomberg's Plan to Defeat Pro-Gun Sheriff Backfired

Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., of Milwaukee, walked onto the national stage after he spoke at the 2014 National Rifle Association conference. (Watch the video on our Second Amendment page.)

During the recent Democratic primary for Milwaukee County Sheriff, Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor and Second Amendment opponent, gave money to Sheriff Clarke’s opposition to help defeat him. It didn’t work. From Sheriff Clarke’s Washington Times op-ed:

Had Mr. Bloomberg done his homework, he might have decided to go elsewhere in search of his signature gun-control win. Wisconsin happens to be a state where shooting sports are popular and deer hunting is sacrosanct. State law allows people with a permit to carry concealed weapons. The fatal mistake he made was not doing his due diligence before betting on what he either thought or heard was my certain electoral demise Aug. 12. His hubris doesn’t require him to assess the political climate before he puts his money on the table.

Sheriff Clarke says conservative talk radio helped him defeat his anti-gun opponent. He also credits black voters.

(Video via Western Journalism)

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