Reality Star Anna Duggar Causes 'Controversy' Over Black History Month Tweet

Anna Duggar has done it now. Online “entertainment” news sites are up in arms that a woman would actually express her…gasp…opinion via Twitter! The Duggars are known for being unapologetically pro-life, and they are absurdly hated by those who rabidly defend a choice their mothers never made (ironically being alive to spew their pro-abortion nonsense).  What did Anna do that has E! Online, RadarOnlineFishWrapper, InTouchWeekly and even Mommyish and Opposing Views so riled? She retweeted a Black History Month meme that I created and posted, via The Radiance Foundation, to highlight abortion’s devastating impact in the black community.

“Human beings should be remembered not dismembered. Because of the violence of abortion, over 16 million black people are history. #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter”

These are the words that have offended some (evidently) disturbed Twitter folk—enough for them to post death threats and insanely profane tweets to both Anna and The Radiance Foundation. The black abortion rate (up to 5 times that of the majority population) isn’t controversial for these folks…just that a white person (namely a Duggar) dared to share this truth with the Twitterverse.


Keep in mind, I am as black as Obama. That’s pretty much where our similarities end. He believes that government can decide who is human and who isn’t. I see how that social experiment has miserably and fatally failed over and over again. But humankind seems to refuse to learn from history. We live in a culture that too often values the emptiness of entertainment over the empowerment of education.

Black History Month. It’s supposed to be a reflection of history. But in a lazy online world, it’s much easier to vent venom than click for clarity. Heaven forbid some of these people should actually dive into the deep pools of digital information and soak up some information. Instead, in 140 characters or less, people celebrate their own ignorance. One tweet scolded me for using Black History Month to further my own agenda: “#BlackHistoryMonth serves a purpose- with that being said, it’s purpose is NOT to get across your point of abortion.”

Well, fighting abortion was the purpose of numerous black historical figures’ efforts.

fannie-lou-hamer-11Famed freedom fighter, Fannie Lou Hamer (“I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!”), is known for her courageous efforts to fight poverty and ensure black citizens’ right to vote. But history books and multitudes of tributes omit that she fought for the dignity of all human life, including those in the womb. Journalist Ethel Payne, known as the “First Lady of the Black Press” wrote in her 1980 Afro-American column: “Fannie Lou Hamer was a passionate believer in the right to life.” She further articulated that Hamer “spoke out strongly against abortion as a means of genocide of blacks.”

One of the most influential and destructive components of Black American History is eugenics. The racist pseudoscience birthed Jim Crow laws and Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger, the founder of the nation’s largest abortion chain, was a member of the American Eugenics Society. Alan F. Guttmacher, founder of the Guttmacher Institute, served as President of Planned Parenthood andVice President of the American Eugenics Society.  This deeply racist and elitist movement established state eugenics boards which forcibly sterilized over 60,000 Americans, as thoroughly documented in Maafa21. North Carolina recently paid reparations to victims for this heinous time in American history. One of those victims is my friend Elaine Riddick, a black woman who was raped at the age of 13. She gave birth to her son, but was then forcibly sterilized and butchered by order of The Eugenics Board of North Carolina. She would never be able to have another child again.

Ryan-Josh-Anna-at-Values-Voter-Summit So there’s a little history lesson. Kudos to Anna Duggar for sharing truth that so-called “leaders” in the black community refuse to acknowledge. I wish that one single black celebrity would say something about the millions of black lives snuffed out by abortion.  I wish that one single black celebrity would have an ounce of the courage of Fannie Lou Hamer and call out the predatory abortion industry.

Anna Duggar’s “infamous” retweet reminds us of how twisted we have become in our society’s understanding of race and human equality. Some are so desperate to accuse others of racism that they miss it where it screams loud and clear—in an industry that kills unborn human life (disproportionately black) for a living. So they spew their lack of anyhistorical (or present) knowledge of this injustice on Twitter and celebrate their unwillingness to learn. Their responses show they have no concept of what is actually racist. It’s merely an easy buzzword in their minuscule arsenal of hashtags and accusations.

From the bizarre  reactions on Twitter it’s apparent many of the opponents of this Black History Month meme don’t realize what message their “outrage” is actually sending. If they don’t agree that there are too many aborted, then they’d have to agree with the converse of that statement: Not Enough Aborted. Now that’s racist.

RyanBombergerRyan Bomberger is the co-founder and chief creative officer of the Radiance Foundation.

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  1. Great article! I really wish the ‘in-crowd’ as I call liberals would realize what a racist atrocity abortion is. Not too many pro-abortion advocates want to face the historical facts, for the stark truth is hard to defend. A baby is not a punishment for having sex. It is also not his or her fault that they are are conceived. No one should treat a defenseless, tiny, and specifically unique human life as an enemy.

  2. Amen. No one knows the price of being declared less than human better than the African American. How in the world can she support applying that injustice to her own sons and daughters? How long are the children of people who survived Jim Crow going to believe the lie that their men aren’t good enough to be fathers and providers? Abortion is just another plot by racists to eliminate undesirable populations. How can anyone claim to support the black community and accept the advice of people who consider them undesirable?

  3. This article has an interesting take on the pro-life vs pro-choice issue, but I don’t find the argument logical for either side.

    A liberal could make the argument that forcing completion of unintended pregnancies is racist, because it further increases their chances of being impoverished and not seeking higher education (statistically speaking these types of pregnancies occur more often for minorities). I don’t think using the race angle will get you anywhere in this discussion, because you can use race for both points of view.

    I think it’s sad that people still believe that policies like these are black and white and don’t have side effects in other areas of life. If you want to really reduce abortion, then focus on the root cause of abortion, namely poverty and education. Improve the lower class’ education and socioeconomic status. People shy away from this solution because it’s not as easy as just banning abortions outright, but if you really want to address the root issue, that’s what the final solution has to be.

    There’s this notion that people “love” to get abortions and pop it like candy, and while there are anecdotal cases for this (and I agree with regulating these cases), the solution for most other cases would be to make it easier for future mothers and fathers to keep the child in the first place.

    Why don’t we enforce better responsibility in fathers? 50% of women having abortions say a big reason for their choice is that there’s not a father in the picture (another 25% say it’s because of lack of money). That’s 75% of abortions if the father stays, so why not try to support this goal instead? Again, I think the problem is that it’s not the easiest way to address the issue. We’d rather slap a band-aid on the issue and think it will go away on it’s own.

    If you want to really solve the issue of abortion, you’re going to have to do more than just say “this is bad”. Believe it or not, most people do not “like” abortion, and it’s not a decision most people take likely. Why not just focus on why they’re making that choice, and help fix the root issue? Why are ~15-20% of Americans in poverty? Doing the math on ~300 million Americans, that’s what? 45 million people in poverty, in the richest country on earth. There are what, 1.2 million abortions a year? I think if you fix one, you fix the other. I don’t believe slapping a “no-abortion-allowed” law onto the country will fix the issue, if anything I would be more worried for the desperate women in our country.

    • @Cory Hillman. Abortion has never mitigated poverty. Ever. In fact, since Roe, poverty among women ages 15-44, has only increased from 10% in 1973 to 15.5%. The culture of abandonment that Roe encourages (why be a father when you can just have your child aborted) has exponentially increased fatherlessness since the 60s when it was 25% in the black community. Today, it is 72.3%. So, the assertion that it’s somehow racist to encourage young women (of any color) to have their children holds no statistical weight. Abortion is not a poverty-controlling mechanism. It’s a population control measure which doesn’t seek to better any individual’s or community’s situation. When, exactly, does killing innocent human life help others elevate themselves? 56 million lives later and poverty still exists because we fail to recognize there is a poverty much stronger than that which is material that drives society to accept the brutal violence of abortion as a solution to very solvable issues. We address some of the root causes in numerous ways on as well as