Joseph Parker: How God is Saving the Unborn in the Mississippi Delta

God is doing wonderful things in the Mississippi Delta.

Allow me to share an exciting testimony of what the Lord just did in the last few days and how He reached through the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center in part to do it.

One of our clients, a precious young mom, has such a powerful testimony of how the Lord has demonstrated His eternal love for her and her family.

“Patricia” was apparently a desperate young mother, so desperate that she had driven across a number of states from her home in the Mississippi Delta to get a surgical abortion.

While she was far from home in another state, though her goal was to get an abortion, something else happened — something wonderful. She “accidentally” ran into the arms of Jesus.

God sent a wonderful servant of the Lord from the national ministry, Love Life, along her path. This person persuaded her to keep her baby. Also, this same person shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Patricia, and Patricia received Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Patricia then proceeded to head back home, yet didn’t even have enough gas money to get back to Mississippi.

Well, Love Life contacted an individual in Mississippi, who in turn contacted our ministry, the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center ministry. By God’s grace, we were able to connect with Patricia and with the assistance of one or more other Love Life ministry people, and we were able to help her get gas money to make it back home.

Soon, my wife, Birdie, and I had the privilege of meeting Patricia in person. We got to meet with her, pray and visit with her, and minister to her.

Patricia right away let us know that she really wanted to get her own place to live. She and her children were all living with her mom in her mother’s home.

Fast forward a few months, and Patricia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! A handsome and very special little guy. Praise God!

We continued to be in touch with Patricia and pray for her over a period of months.

Just within the last few weeks, we were in touch with her and asked her how we could pray for her. She shared, “I have found an apartment. I just need a little financial help, and I can get into it!”

Well, to make a long story short, we, along with assistance from a local church, were able to help her do financially what she needed to do, and Patricia got her apartment.

Praise the Lord!

She was so excited, she texted me a picture of the keys to her new apartment. And she sent a number of additional texts expressing her excitement and gratitude to the Lord.

But you know who I believe was even more excited than Patricia?

I believe God was.

I believe that God wanted Patricia to know that He loved her so much that He died on the cross to save her, and that He wanted her to know, “Patricia, trust me and I will take care of you, your baby and your whole family.”

And that’s what God did and is doing.

This is one beautiful story that God brought about, and He allowed the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center ministry to be a part of it.

And brothers and sisters, this story illustrates what the mission of the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center Ministry is about: helping to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with young moms and their families while also helping to save babies.

We would like to encourage you to find your local pregnancy care center. Also, please pray daily for its work and ministry. And consider volunteering in some way, or just calling them up and asking, “What can I do to help?”

Also, pray about becoming a monthly giver to help with the work and mission of the pregnancy center.

We would also ask that you please prayerfully consider becoming a faithful prayer partner with us, praying for the work and ministry of the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center ministry in the Mississippi Delta.

And please pray about becoming a monthly financial partner with us as well.

Every seed of any size helps the mission to go forward.

Pregnancy Care and Hope Center Ministries web site:

For more information about the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center Ministries, you can call 1-662–321–5859.

Joseph Parker is Chairman of the Board of the Pregnancy Care and Hope Center and serves as Director of Outreach and Intercession with the American Family Association. He has been in the ministry for almost 40 years and hosts the radio broadcast, “The Hour of Intercession,” on the American Family Radio network.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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