Sec. of State Mike Pompeo on Being a Christian Leader

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently spoke at Christian conference about what it means to be a Christian leader:

“As believers, we draw on the wisdom of God to help us get it right, to be a force for good in the life of human beings.

“Now, I know that even having just said that, I know some people in the media will break out the pitchforks when they hear that I ask God for direction in my work.  (Applause.)  But you should know, as much as I’d like to claim originality, it is not a new idea.  (Laughter.)  I love this quote from President Lincoln.  He said that he – he said, quote, ‘I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.’ (Laughter.)

“And so with that in mind, I want to use my time today to think about what it means to be a Christian leader, a Christian leader in three areas:

“First is disposition.  How is it that one carries oneself in the world?  The second is dialogue, talking.  How is it that we engage with others around the world?  And third is decisions, decisions that we make.  How do we make choices?  Upon what basis?  What do we use as our bedrock to get to those decisions?  These are things that you face in your work every day.  They are issues that the State Department and President Trump, each of us, must face.

“And my focus too, to be quite candid, is not just on being a leader.  I learned how to lead at whatever level I’m blessed with during my time at West Point and other experiences, but I want to talk today about being a Christian leader.  I learned that through a very different experience, an experience with God and my own personal faith in Christ.”

Read Sec. Pompeo’s full remarks here or watch the video below.

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