SOTU: Gov. Nikki Haley's Trump Dig

Is it ever a good thing when you’re a Republican and a Democratic White House praises you after your response to the president’s State of the Union address? If you’re going for a bipartisan, working-together message…perhaps.

If you believe President Barack Obama has been bad for the country, perhaps not.

The White House’s chief of staff Denis McDonough said he admires Gov. Nikki Haley, whom the GOP chose to respond (full transcript) to the president’s SOTU remarks.

“By no means am I trying to endorse everything she is doing but I do think that a lot of this,” McDonough said, “including parts of the speech last night, were admirable.”

Some conservatives didn’t like that Gov. Haley alluded to Donald Trump in her response. Was McDonough referring to this critical allusion as admirable?

“Today, we live in a time of threats like few others in recent memory,” the Gov. Haley said last night. “During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation…No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country. At the same time, that does not mean we just flat out open our borders. We can’t do that.”

She confirmed the reference today on NBC.

“[Donald Trump] was one, there’s other people in the media, there’s people in my state. I think we’re seeing it across the country, but yes, Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I think is just irresponsible talk.”

What do you think of Gov. Haley criticizing Trump during her response to the president’s speech?

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  1. We need a president who will defend our country, a president who will stand up for traditional family matters, who will encourage and help the black community..who will invest time and money in helping young black man to be better people/ bring back a sense of our young children will grow and be responsible adults..a return to Christian values,,

  2. As goes Obama, so goes the Haley’s of our ‘mindless’ non-leadership. Obama deflects from terrorist killings by calling for more gun control; Haley deflects from terrorist killings by removing Confederate symbols, while both bask in the knowledge that “they” know what are the true ‘priorities’ that will heal/transform our country!