Star Parker on President Donald Trump’s Pledge to Fix the Inner-Cities

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, appeared on the Mark Larson radio show to talk about fixing the inner-cities.

During his campaign, President Donald Trump said he would do it and asked black Americans what they had to lose by voting for him, since liberal politicians haven’t improved conditions in these areas.

The first problem, Star said, is how to create jobs in inner-cities. Taxes and regulations have put pressure on businesses. The president can take on some of these problems through executive order. Star said the “War on Poverty” has created enormous economic challenges in these communities. Whatever we intend to do, we only have a short window. The mid-term elections are only two years away and the general election four years. Liberals are plotting.

Listen to the brief clip to hear what Star said about high murder rates.

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One comment

  1. Star, one reason why the War On Poverty didn’t work was because a significant amount of these funds were directed toward law enforcement. Policymakers once believed that crime was the biggest contributor to systemic poverty, therefore the bulk of this money went toward community policing rather than to programs that would foster economic improvement. It has been suggested that the federal government has spent $15 trillion on the War On Poverty for the past 50 years, but far, far less than that sum actually went toward programs designed to help inner city Blacks put more money in the bank.