Stephen Broden: Open Letter to Congressional Black Caucus — WRONG on Equality Act

Millions of Black Americans are slowly becoming aware that the so-called Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is preparing to backstab them by voting to enact the Gay Equality Act on Thursday, May 16, 2019. CBC Chairwoman Karen Bass (D-CA) and the entire morally-bankrupt CBC have flippantly refused to defend the real purpose of the 1964 Civil Rights Act as a scam to make “Gay the New Black,” wherein the needs of pedophiles, sodomites of all stripes, and persons of debased fetish are accorded protected-class status akin to Blacks and women. Neither Karen Bass nor the “Dirty Dozen” (Nancy Pelosi’s Slavic Praetorian guard: Hakeem Jeffries, Jim Clyburn, John Lewis, Bobby Rush, Elijah Cummings, Anthony Brown, Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Al Green, Maxine Waters, Marcia Fudge, Bennie Thompson) have informed their constituents about the Faustian impact that the Gay Equality Act H.R. 5 will inflict on Black people in particular.

Bass and the Dirty Dozen have determined to vote in favor of trivializing the historical suffering of Blacks as akin to a sexual desire, imperil the religious rights and values of Black churches and educational institutions, add new impediments to struggling Black communities, and significantly increase sexual violence and crimes against vulnerable demographic groups.

The Bass-led CBC that is in lockstep in supporting the Gay Equality Act is as cruel and treacherous as Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus Christ for chump change. Unfortunately, if the Gay Equality Act becomes law, Black Americans will suffer a moral, cultural, spiritual, and social sexuality-based Jim Crow Apartheid that might signal their destruction as a people.

This misguided leadership is nothing short of betrayal. The CBC has made the agenda of the Democratic party their sole concern to the detriment of Black Americans across our nation. The CBC champions the gay agenda, DACA, open borders, socialism, infanticide, the impeachment of President Trump, liberal bigots, and now Nancy Pelosi’s push to redefine the 1964 Civil Right Act to include the moral agenda of the LGBTQ community.

What has the Black community gotten from these black Democratic elected officials in 50 years? What legislation have they offered to solve economic crisis in the black communities? Instead of being a help, these so-called leaders have pimped the black family to unjustly enrich themselves while never delivering basic tangibles, such as access to affordable healthcare, quality education, jobs, housing, and public safety. These become passive boosters for gangs, drug dealers, killers, illegals, abortionists, payday loan businesses, and mass incarceration complexes.

It appears the CBC is more concerned about appeasing the Luciferian agenda, and getting paid. The needs of Black Americans goes wanting while this misguided band of followers enjoys the bounty connected with serving leftist ideology.

Pastor S.E. Broden and Dr. Randy Short

Photo credit: Pict-your (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

StephenBrodenStephen E. Broden is the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, and member of the National Black Prolife Coalition. He is the chairman of the Gone 2 Far Movement. Dr. Randy Short co-authored this article.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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One comment

  1. As a true Southern Baptist and the belief the Bible is God’s true guidance how we live our lifes. I have signed a document against the HR bill. Thank you.