The Message Liberals Don’t Want to Reach the Black Community

Star, CURE's National Clergy Director, Derek McCoy (second from left), and some of our pastors!
Star, CURE’s National Clergy Director, Derek McCoy (second from left), and some of our pastors!

Ted Cruz, Walter Wiliams, Ben Carson, Charles Payne, policy experts from across Washington, DC, authors, economists, and pastors.

These are some of the names who come to CURE’s Black Pastor Policy Summit to meet and speak with our pastors. And we’re about to do it again in less than 30 days.

By September 21, influential black pastors from across the US will trek to our nation’s capital to learn how big government destroys freedom and lives and to take our ideas back to their congregations. As you know, blacks attend church more than any demographic and what these pastors teach has an enormous influence.

Liberals do NOT want our message in the black community where they have dominated for 54 years!

Aggressive progressive organizations such as Black Lives Matter exploit Americans so they can keep us poor and dependent on the government: that’s Uncle Sam’s Plantation.

StarParkerBCNStar Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at

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