We Need An Alternative to the George Soros-Funded Black Left

There is both danger and opportunity in all this racial strife. Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), will host the Black Pastor Policy Summit on September 19-21, to discuss how to solve the problems of the welfare state.

This private group of pastors will “learn principles and discuss ways that we can strategize to build…a national voice and a national network to counter that hard, black left” funded by George Soros.

“So we’re really excited about the growth of our clergy center (headed by Rev. Derek McCoy),” she said. “We’re excited about the growth of our media center that, under the umbrella of BlackCommunityNews.com, is hosting almost a million people running in and out to look for their news, to hear from people like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams and Ken Blackwell and Star Parker, Larry Elder and many, many others that are putting the truth in front of a whole new audience, the audience our constituents — those pastors and their congregants.”

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Archive: Black History Month — The Lost Lesson of Faith and Freedom

Originally published in February 2022. Why do we have Black History Month? This week on …