What Netanyahu Said About Strikes Against This Country

Prime Minister Netanyahu confirmed that Israel has carried out dozens of strikes in Syria preventing weapons transfers to the terrorist organization Hezbollah.

Speaking to the Paratroopers Unit of the IDF in northern Israel on Monday during a military exercise on the border with Syria, Netanyahu stated that “We [Israel] act when we have to act, including here and across the border, with dozens of strikes, to prevent Hezbollah from acquiring game-changing weaponry. We also act on other fronts, both near and far, and we do so intelligently… If we need to go to war, and this possibility stands before us and because of that you are here it’s because we weren’t able to prevent dangers to the State of Israel in any other way.”

He added “This is our country, we must defend it, and no one will defend it for us except ourselves… You look at the earthquake around us and you see people and countries wiped out, and if anyone expects someone to come to his aid, that will not happen. If we have learned anything, it is that we need to be able to defend ourselves by ourselves – that is also the significance of the reserve duty you are doing here.”

He addressed the Islamic State, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad as major threats to the Jewish State.

“We have Islamic State just across the fence here and Hezbollah just across the fence here and there. We have Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and global jihadists and Islamic State in Sinai. We are proud that in this stormy and turbulent Middle East, we’ve succeeded in preserving relative quiet for Israel.”

The last reported IDF strike on attempted weapons transfer from Syria to Hezbollah was reported in February. A total of three airstrikes were reported. Israel consistently does not comment on covert operations in Syria.

Amir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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One comment

  1. …..and, every time Israel defends herself, the rest of the free world becomes that much more free.