What These States Just Did In Response to Obama’s ‘Restroom’ Edict

When President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice issued a directive to states to allow men and boys access to women’s and girls’ restrooms and changing rooms in government schools, some lawmakers vowed to defy him. The Obama administration has threatened to withhold federal funds if they don’t comply.

A coalition of states just raised the stakes. Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and school districts in Arizona, Maine, and Texas, contended (PDF) that the edict was “a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over commonsense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights.”

The Wall Street Journal noted that Republicans control most of the states, and “all the attorneys general who signed the lawsuit—filed in federal court in the Northern District of Texas—are Republicans.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Wednesday the lawsuit is about “defending the Constitution’’ from an effort by the Obama administration to redefine antidiscrimination laws to cover transgender bathroom rights in schools. He said he was willing to fight the case “all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to.’’

The federal government, Mr. Paxton said, “didn’t follow the proper procedures’’ in issuing the guidelines to schools. “This isn’t an interpretive case of law, this is a rewrite of law,” he said.

A Justice Department spokeswoman said the agency is reviewing the complaint, and added, “the federal government has strong legal foundations to uphold the civil rights of transgender Americans.”

The homosexual lobby and their supporters assert that men pretending to be women have a “civil right” to enter women’s restrooms, regardless of what the women think or how they feel, and Christian business owners who oppose the homosexual lifestyle must be forced to provide services for their “weddings.”

A group of pastors and others in North Carolina recently held a press conference to speak their minds about equating perverse sexual behavior with race.

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