You Won’t Believe Who’s Defending Christian-Owned Chick-fil-A

After a leftist news site reported that Christian fast-food restaurant Chick-fil-A’s foundation gave money to Christian organizations that oppose the sin of homosexuality, the San Antonio City Council and the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority barred Chick-fil-A from doing business in the San Antonio International Airport and the Buffalo Niagara International Airport.

Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas is looking into whether the city council violated the U.S. Constitution.

Meanwhile, Chick-fil-A has an unexpected ally in the Buffalo matter. You won’t believe who’s come to Chick-fil-A’s defense. From the Washington Examiner (emphases added):

The New York affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union has sided with Chick-fil-A after the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority decided the fast-food chain could not open a store at Buffalo Niagara International Airport in the fall.

New York Civil Liberties Union Assistant Director for Legislative Affairs Erika Lorshbough told The Hill on Wednesday that the First Amendment does not allow the authority to take action against the restaurant chain for its political beliefs.

“Government actors cannot officially silence speech or take punitive actions based on a person’s or private entity’s political viewpoints,” Lorshbough said in a statement.

“The First Amendment does not permit the NFTA to base its contracting decisions on the political views of a vendor,” she added.

Liberals began calling for boycotts after CEO Dan Cathy said marriage was the union between only one man and one woman, a belief about marriage humans have had for millennia. Christians also believe this union (one man, one woman) is ordained by God.

Featured photo credit: American Life League (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

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  1. “New York Civil Liberties Union Assistant Director for Legislative Affairs Erika Lorshbough told The Hill on Wednesday that the First Amendment does not allow the authority to take action against the restaurant chain for its political beliefs.”

    This is the standard that will get Andrew Cuomo and the puppets in his administration off the back of the NRA. It may not ben the ACLU that takes the case, but IIRC that org has already staked out a position on the issue. Just not sure if they’re taking the NRA as a client.

  2. In Texas there was talk about suspending government funds to the San Antonio airport if they are found guilty of violating Chick-fil-A’s 1st Amendment rights.