Good News for Pro-Lifers Who Exposed Organ Harvesting and Selling at Planned Parenthood

Abortion advocates have been trying to discredit and shut down David Daleiden ever since he embarrassed Planned Parenthood with a series of secretly recorded videos of abortionists and others talking about selling the body parts of aborted babies and how best to harvest their organs.

A grand jury in Texas indicted Daleiden and his colleague, Sandra Merritt, for tampering with government documents (fake ID) and attempting to buy body parts (which they only pretended to do for the video series). The prosecutor dropped all charges.

California charged Daleiden and Merritt with 15 felonies in connection with the undercover sting — counts of invading privacy and recording people without permission.

But Daleiden and Merritt have scored a substantial though partial victory in that case. A judge has dismissed 14 of 15 charges. From the Blaze:

On Wednesday, the San Francisco Superior Court dismissed 14 of the charges against each filmmaker. The court called the charges legally insufficient, although it gave the state the opportunity to amend the charges. According to Reuters, the state has until July 17 to file a revised complaint that details the allegations more specifically.

“This is a huge victory to have 14 criminal counts dismissed,” Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, an organization representing Merritt, said in a statement. “We will now turn our attention to dismissing the final count. Sandra Merritt did nothing wrong. The complaint by the California attorney general is unprecedented and frankly will threaten every journalist who provides valuable information to the public. This final count will also fall.”

The remaining charge is conspiracy to invade privacy. Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates will no doubt continue pursuing “justice” after Daleiden exposed what the abortion mill does to dead babies behind closed doors.

Also see Listen to Abortion Conference Attendees Laugh About Babies’ Heads Getting Stuck During Abortions – UPDATE

Featured photo credit: ken fager (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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