Alveda King: What A Trump Presidency Could Mean for Young Blacks

The Democrats’ platform, headed by Hillary Clinton and includes more abortions, isn’t one that’s full of hope, Dr. Alveda King said. She believes Trump has the better platform, which calls for more employment for Americans first and better education.

“He’s not pushing out the immigrants out who are legal,” Dr. King said of Trump’s platform. “But to open up more jobs and opportunities.”

What would these opportunities look like? For one, getting young blacks back into trade professions. They can invest part of their earnings into their own businesses.

“What better example of an opportunity for entrepreneurship than to have a president who has succeeded and done that? One thing about Mr. Trump, 70-year-old billionaire in the golden years of his life, [he] wants to help all Americans. He surrounds himself with leaders like Dr. Ben Carson” and others who know how to succeed.

Fox News host Melissa Francis said it could be hard for skeptics to hear messages (like school choice) specifically from Trump (who mainstream media have dubbed a “racist”), with people taking his comments out of context. That’s what people focus on instead of the message. “What advice would you give him so that he’s better heard?” Francis said.

In her response, Dr. King instead gave this advice to the skeptics: Don’t shoot the messenger. Listen to the message.

Will Trump garner a larger share of the minority vote?

Black Americans can think and reason just like other Americans, Dr. King said. When people begin to look at Trump’s platform and his efforts to speak directly to them, this might have a positive impact.

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  1. why isn’t CNN representatives on Fox News on every time slot program…
    Clarke is…he is the only one…dr king should be!!!

  2. BCN *…auto spell mistake

  3. Alveda King for President! What an amazing woman!