Justice Samuel Alito Said Religious Liberty is Fragile — Will It Endure?

In addition to criticizing Prince Harry for butting in to American politics, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned that religious liberty is fragile in his keynote address at the Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit in Rome last month.

“Religious liberty is under attack in many places because it is dangerous to those who want to hold complete power,” he said. “It also probably grows out of something dark and deep in the human DNA — the tendency to distrust and dislike people who are not like ourselves.”

Another test is the growing number of people who reject religion or don’t think religion is important.

“It is hard to convince people that religious liberty is worth defending if they don’t think that religion is a good thing that deserves protection,” he said. “The challenge for those who want to protect religious liberty in the United States, Europe, and other similar places is to convince people who are not religious that religious liberty is worth special protection. That will not be easy to do.”

Justice Alito also noted the religious foundation of social reform movements, like the fight for civil rights for black Americans under Martin Luther King Jr.

“If religious liberty is protected, religious leaders and other men and women of faith will be able to speak out on social issues,” Alito said. “People with deep religious convictions may be less likely to succumb to dominating ideologies or trends, and more likely to act in accordance with what they see as true and right. Civil society can count on them as engines of reform.”

Star Parker said something similar about King.

“King saw America, like life itself, as stained by sin, but fixable through faith and good deeds,” she wrote. “He preached ‘repentance and revival.’ This, in contrast, to the message of those on the left, like Williams, who preach ‘payback and redistribution.'” King couldn’t have spread a message like that without religious freedom.

Star also reminds us that Communism opposes Christianity, and that the so-called Black Lives Matter movement is the restart of this warped ideology. It’s always been here, but “there was a little pause point during the civil rights era simply because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., came from a different perspective…of Christianity and unity. So, we saw that the divisiveness of the Communist agenda had to go underground for a little while.”

Our constitutional rights are precious.

“Religious liberty and other fundamental rights tend to go together,” Justice Alito said.

We can’t afford to lose any of these rights. Watch the justice’s full remarks below.

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