Steady Me, Lord

cross_smallerBCN editor’s note: please contact the author for reprint permission.

The cry of my heart for this season can be summed up in one, perhaps not so simple word: “steady.”

To be steady means that you are firmly fixed, stable, free from interruption, constant, habitual, calm…the list goes on!

I’ve spoken a lot about pruning lately, and I’m finding that even though I’m recognizing God’s pruning hand in my life, and even though I understand the importance of whatever it is He’s doing, it doesn’t stop me from being uneasy. Understanding God’s sovereignty certainly makes the pruning easier, but it doesn’t make it flat-out easy by any means.

So, I need a little steadying these days. Maybe you do too?

If you’re like me, you don’t function well in gray areas. My world works best when things are black and white. I thrive best when I know what a situation is and what it is not, when I know where I stand with someone and where I don’t. Pruning doesn’t give you that luxury. Pruning feels an awful lot like chaos which your faith tells you is organized, but your flesh, yeah, not so much.

So these days, when I find my flesh warring against His hand, when I am at my wits end and the easiest choice is to take back the reins of my life, I utter this one word. “Steady”

“Abba, steady my heart because we both know it is wicked and deceitful and doesn’t want You to complete this work. Steady my will because everything in me wants to choose everything that is not in You. Steady my emotions because to be led by them is to be led from Your presence. Steady my entire being, so I wouldn’t run from the Refiner’s Fire chock full of all these impurities but that I might stay and trust whatever it is that You are doing. Steady my will and my need to know what You’re doing and why. Steady me so that I trust in You. Steady me so that I love You more. Steady me so that I am faithful towards You, committed to You; steady me so all distractions fade away and it’s just me and my King.”

But being steady takes more than a prayer, and it takes more than just desire; it requires commitment. Are you committed to the things you’re praying for? Are you even committed to the One you’re praying to?

Photo credit: Ian Britton (Creative Commons)

Danielle ErwinDanielle Erwin hosts the Charlotte-based ministry, UNPLUGGED. She’s the founder of Pursued, a ministry aimed to encourage women to live lives that are truly reflective of Jesus Christ. Visit her web site at

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One comment

  1. It is a struggle ever day to stay committed.BUT with Him I can do it!