WATCH: The #1 Killer of Black Lives…

The misinformation going around regarding defunding Planned Parenthood, must stop.

Here are the facts:

1. A majority of Americans support redirecting the abortion business’ taxpayer funding to the nationwide network of community health centers.

2. These centers outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities by more than twenty (20) to one (1).

3. The proposal to redirect taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood would result in community health care centers picking up an average of an additional two (2) women per week.

4. Community health centers would receive an additional $442 million in federal funding.

The bottom line is: Without LIFE, Nothing Matters!!

The numbers don’t lie. DEATH from “abortion on demand” grossly outnumbers LIFE in the Black Community.

We must, I repeat, we must defund Planned Parenthood today.

walterhoyeWalter B. Hoye II is the founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, the founder of the California Civil Rights and the Frederick Douglas Foundations of California, and proponent of the California Equal Rights Amendment.

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One comment

  1. Abortion not only causes the most deaths in the black community but destroys the ties that bond a family. The damage of low self esteem, aggression, and depression that has been allowed to be compounded over the last few generations has to be recognized and fought against if America is to have a future of strong families.